As the years go by

As the years go by
                                Time seemly sits still
Not feeling older
                                White grows stronger
So does time
                                As it flies by
Like slow motion
                                A new jet
                                                Somehow shows age
Then rust
I do not fear growing old
                                Aging or dying
I fear you leaving me behind
                                Not enjoying long walks with you
                                                How do I enjoy those walks without you
I like that the past nine or so years
                We are bonded together                            
                                Like a bird needs her wings
You are my wing girl
                Heartbreak fills me
Knowing that you’re in pain
                                Not showing
Rarely crying out
I know
                I KNOW
                I SEE YOU
I FEEL YOUR       
                Every slow movement
Time moving even slower
                                As we grow older
Slow to sit
                Slower to run
Slow to jump on the couth
                You don’t seem to visit me in bed anymore
I guess it is too high
                now that time is taking the color from your fur
I will by a bed that touches the floor
                I want you near me
Until the time has come                
                When all you pain is done
Mine has only begun
                I love you
I will keep you strong until
                Until you tell me, “mommy it is time
And I will wait on the other side
                The rainbow called
And I want to play
                                                                All day”

I will cry
                Missing you and dying on the inside
I will say, “Baby go play
                                Run run run
Don’t stop
                Have all your fun
                                I will come find you
When my time here is done
                Play run and have fun
                                       When my time here is done
I will find you and together
                             we will have fun
                                             I LOVE YOU."


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