Today you forgot to feed me

Today you forgot to feed me
                                                                Its okay
My water bowl is dry
                                                                All gone
                                                                                Its okay
Why have you forgotten me?
                                                                I am always here for you
Today when you put me outside
You forgot to let me back in
                                                                I cried, staring at the door
                                                                Still HUNGRY
                                                                                And THIRSTY     
                                                                                                Now all ALONE 
                                                                I cried
You left me
                One day turns to three
                                                                Scared and alone
When will you came home
                And let me in
                                                                It’s okay
                                                                I am always here for you
So much barking
                In this strange place
So much noise
Cold floors                                         
                                                                I got food and water today
Where are you
                                Gone again
                                                                Once you loved me
                                                                                Now left me
                                                                                                in a scary cage
                                You never came
                                                                After all we grew up together   
                                                                                                We grew old together
You got colder
                As we got older
                                                                Its okay
                                                                I was always there for you
                                I wait
three days more
No more days
                Will I be allowed to wait
                                                                For you

No more

Pets are a commitment from day one to the bitter end. They should never suffer from a human’s selfish need for not sparing the time to care for them in their golden years. Love is for life and so are our pets. Have you ever seen a dog cry? I have, I have seen tears ROLL down their eyes, it broke my heart. Animals love wholly and completely; they don’t play with your emotions or try and deceive you. They will not try to use you or abuse you; our pets only want to LOVE us completely and wholly.

Have you ever seen a dog that suffered from a broken heart, I have, and about three weeks later he died. I can only imagine that it was due to his broken heart.

Please don’t dump your pets at a kill shelter.
Please don’t put them on Craig’s list.
Please love you pet or don’t get one to start with, if you can not commit.


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