tormented most of my life

Today I felt like sharing something that has tormented most of my life; I took back control of my life from my evil mother. She allowed bad things to happen and then blamed us for what happened to us. My faith has got me to the point where I am not ashamed to talk about it, it is not my fault. God has helped me see that I can move on and be thankful for my life now. Here is the short version and the meat of it all.
Even as they lose control over the lives that they thought they owned, they lost their grips in reality. The demons inside them constantly tell them to attack us. They search for things to use against us (if they cannot find anything - they will make things up), using others and hurting them in the process too. Telling lies to gain more traction, moving against people that do not do what they want them to do. I will never allow here to control me again.
I will not be nice to her to spare her feelings, I will tell the truth no matter how painful it is to hear. My biological mother will pay, there is a special place in Hell for people that hurt the innocent. God will burn them and anyone who helped.
They play the victims, acting like they are the ones being attacked. Don't be fooled, the devil will not look like the devil when he or she is trying to win you over and get you to join his or her team.
My biological mothers name is Deborah and she is not the victim, her children are the victims. He ex boyfriend Felipe sexually abused (assaulted) the three of us. She allowed this to happen and she refuses to take responsibility for her part in it all. She is not the victim, we are. I would not allow my children to be near her (once I remembered some of what happened).
I would never recommend anyone leave their children with them. She  or her husband or both not sure, told her granddaughter to lie to her parents, thank God that the girl told her mom and dad what was going on and what they asked her to do. 

Thank God we have a chance to break the chain of abuse for our children. I only pray they don't go near anyone else's children, who knows what they might do. I pray that God puts them exactly were they belong.
She allowed the man that beat me daily for 5 years to live with her when we divorced. If anyone hurt her BIOLOGICAL kids, she was on their side.
This is why I stay away from most everyone and I dislike my mother and refuse to be around her. Pray that no one else is ever hurt mentally or physically by her or her partners.
As I have been reflecting on my life moments, I pray for them and I pray for all the victims involved in this circle of abuse and lies. God helps us all, in Jesus name I pray that the darkness is cast out and bound where God wills it to be bound. This I pray so we can all move forward toward God's grace and glory.

 Through all the tragedy and trauma has passed for years I began to notice changes in my life most recently this year big changes in my life.  God is at work in my life and I can try to explain it but sometimes there's no words it just is and I just know. I am blessed, we are blessed and I want everyone to witness and be part of these blessings.


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