END BSL/Animal Profiling!

I an sick of seeing racist profiling of breed discrimination, when dogs simply do what they are trained to do. Dogs only want to please their owners. I have a 12 pound killer shark at home called Martini (a Chihuahua). The older she gets, the meaner she seems to get. I don't see her on the BSL's list of dogs to ban for the day. 
Now 7 dogs of ANY breed is a lot to handle, unless you train them very! well! Then add on that they are all medium to large dogs, could spell trouble. Unless they are very well trained. 

We all have bad days, dogs do too. When just one dog attacks they have a mob mentality  (that is what we call it when people group together and attack) and will all follow the lead of the aggressor (like Ferguson, it took one or two people to get the others fired up and BAMM the town was destroyed)... All those people were not humanely euthanized, most were not even punished. But when a dog does it, they must be MURDERED/humanely euthanized.

All living creatures deserve to be happy and loved. Even in the wild you find odd couples that for reasons know only to the animals and God, have come together in friendship and love. Stop profiling animals based on the fears of the uneducated and media propaganda. We can all live in peace and harmony, live and let live. Love and be kind!

Thank you for reading my afternoon rant.


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