tired inside

try to be happy

pulled in 10 directions
try to make no mistakes

want to go home

more stress
more pulling
try to be happy

brain turning off
eyes want to close

try to go
no i am told
rest not coming

time to go
before I here no
time to hit the road

tired and come home
no need to try
be happy
play with the dogs

happy happy
it's the end of the rush of the day
smiling eyes see hubby arrive

fresh salad awaits
2 hotdogs just in case
so tired inside

eyes slowly fall
he yells my ears
so tired inside

a loving eye
lost its sight
no sparkle left in his angry eyes
just tired inside

A long day
a long week
a long time

no glitter left inside
only the dogs left
make me smile

I see the glitter glowing
shinning at me
There are 6 eyes

they say mommy smile
My tired spirit hears
3 dogs say mommy we love you
we love you even when your tired inside


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