He has my back

I have discovered through years that the closer you get to God the more the devil fights you

I have discovered through the years when you walk with the devil nothing bad's seems to happen

I have discovered through the years when you talk to God you grow 

You grow close and sometimes bad things happen

Bad things happen because the devil is fighting you the devil is fighting for you he wants to keep you on his side

When I think of being on The wrong side
I will gladly except the fight because I know my God is stronger than the devil

I know my God is stronger than those false gods

I know that my checkered past my,
the abuse as a child,
the bad things that happen in our lives when we were little,
the fact that we will never have a mother,
because she chose the wrong side, not once, not twice,
 but 3 times she chose the wrong side

Because the devil is inside

The devil is inside of her,
the devil is inside her house,
the devil lives with her once twice thrice

figure it out and get saved from the wrath of God

I don't know if she can be saved 
But I know she has never once asked for forgiveness

Not sure how I would react if she did,
 but she has never once asked for forgiveness 

She has never once denied her crimes

I don't know What Her future holds,
but I know how my story will end

It ends with me being on God's side, I will fight for Him I will fight with Him 

  I know the big guy in the sky has my back,
no one is greater than He


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