be the voice that shakes the earth
Dear courts of public opinion,
You must understand we forgave that woman many times in many times she continue with her bad behavior. She has been forgiven but will never forget and we will never put ourselves in that kind of danger again. Even as adults I keep my distance. My heart will not be tender for her, she will be judged when it's her time. I just choose to stay away from her for my sanity. And I am really sure Andrew and Tina feel the same way, Andrew tried to make peace with her, however she decided to choose her men over her kids it's been like that since I can remember since we moved to Florida and now she has to live with her choices in life. You must understand that woman Chose her path and she must live with the consequences. We will not forget and we will not be quiet everyone must know she may not go to jail for what she let happen but in the eyes of the media and public opinion it will hurt her more than anything. I say this to you, because I am glad we voiced our opinion and give each other advice because no one in the state of Florida has stepped up to help us not once, except maybe 2 for sure 1. Now we have to help ourselves, we may be wrong God would judge 4 that. But I do not believe we are wrong, I believe God wants her to choose a side and she's choosing the wrong one. She is choosing the man that hurt us all she wants to protect him, that's her choice we will no longer protect her or him. We have protected her 4 far too long and when I stopped I was freed. Once I stopped lying to myself , Lying to others about her trying to protect her, I was empowered by the truth. I was empowered by the light that came from the truth And I will continue to be strong and be empowered because I believe as do my brother and sister that Justice will be served whether it's now or in the next life. We will not be quiet to make her feel better, we will be louder. As I am loud with my voice for animals helpless people other children I will be even louder with my voice on this topic because how many of us remain silent to protect their feelings Of their abusers and we continued the cycle of violence continued to hurt others got hurt it must be stopped in must and God did not put us here to be abused he did not put us here to be assaulted I believe if these things happen to us it is a purpose for us to be Earth rattling voices and shout out to the world with our voices until the day they are judged.Either by man's court or by God. May God be with you, because I will not. Signed, the victims, the abused, the child, the voiceless, the grown up, the scarred, And now the empowered.t us all she wants to protect him, that's her choice we will no longer protect her or him. We have protected her 4 far too long and when I stopped I was freed.
Once I stopped lying to myself , Lying to others about her trying to protect her, I was empowered by the truth. I was empowered by the light that came from the truth And I will continue to be strong and be empowered because I believe as do my brother and sister that Justice will be served whether it's now or in the next life. We will not be quiet to make her feel better, we will be louder. As I am loud with my voice for animals helpless people other children I will be even louder with my voice on this topic because how many of us remain silent to protect their feelings Of their abusers and we continued the cycle of violence continued to hurt others got hurt it must be stopped in must and God did not put us here to be abused he did not put us here to be assaulted I believe if these things happen to us it is a purpose for us to be Earth rattling voices and shout out to the world with our voices until the day they are judged.Either by man's court or by God. May God be with you, because I will not. Sign, the victims, the abused, the child, the voiceless, the grown up, the scarred, And now the empowered
You must understand we forgave that woman many times in many times she continue with her bad behavior. She has been forgiven but will never forget and we will never put ourselves in that kind of danger again. Even as adults I keep my distance. My heart will not be tender for her, she will be judged when it's her time. I just choose to stay away from her for my sanity. And I am really sure Andrew and Tina feel the same way, Andrew tried to make peace with her, however she decided to choose her men over her kids it's been like that since I can remember since we moved to Florida and now she has to live with her choices in life. You must understand that woman Chose her path and she must live with the consequences. We will not forget and we will not be quiet everyone must know she may not go to jail for what she let happen but in the eyes of the media and public opinion it will hurt her more than anything. I say this to you, because I am glad we voiced our opinion and give each other advice because no one in the state of Florida has stepped up to help us not once, except maybe 2 for sure 1. Now we have to help ourselves, we may be wrong God would judge 4 that. But I do not believe we are wrong, I believe God wants her to choose a side and she's choosing the wrong one. She is choosing the man that hurt us all she wants to protect him, that's her choice we will no longer protect her or him. We have protected her 4 far too long and when I stopped I was freed. Once I stopped lying to myself , Lying to others about her trying to protect her, I was empowered by the truth. I was empowered by the light that came from the truth And I will continue to be strong and be empowered because I believe as do my brother and sister that Justice will be served whether it's now or in the next life. We will not be quiet to make her feel better, we will be louder. As I am loud with my voice for animals helpless people other children I will be even louder with my voice on this topic because how many of us remain silent to protect their feelings Of their abusers and we continued the cycle of violence continued to hurt others got hurt it must be stopped in must and God did not put us here to be abused he did not put us here to be assaulted I believe if these things happen to us it is a purpose for us to be Earth rattling voices and shout out to the world with our voices until the day they are judged.Either by man's court or by God. May God be with you, because I will not. Signed, the victims, the abused, the child, the voiceless, the grown up, the scarred, And now the empowered.t us all she wants to protect him, that's her choice we will no longer protect her or him. We have protected her 4 far too long and when I stopped I was freed.
Once I stopped lying to myself , Lying to others about her trying to protect her, I was empowered by the truth. I was empowered by the light that came from the truth And I will continue to be strong and be empowered because I believe as do my brother and sister that Justice will be served whether it's now or in the next life. We will not be quiet to make her feel better, we will be louder. As I am loud with my voice for animals helpless people other children I will be even louder with my voice on this topic because how many of us remain silent to protect their feelings Of their abusers and we continued the cycle of violence continued to hurt others got hurt it must be stopped in must and God did not put us here to be abused he did not put us here to be assaulted I believe if these things happen to us it is a purpose for us to be Earth rattling voices and shout out to the world with our voices until the day they are judged.Either by man's court or by God. May God be with you, because I will not. Sign, the victims, the abused, the child, the voiceless, the grown up, the scarred, And now the empowered