My angry rant!
do you people try to get ride of living creatures by using Craigslist? I have
to know, so many rescues will help you find home, while your pet stays
with you. So I have to know why people feel it okay and safe to place your
pets on Craigslist? Now, when you label your pet as a pit mixed with
anything, you might as well be calling all dog fighters and give that pet to the dog fighters. Those are the people who can not go to a rescue
to adopt because their names are on the, "do not adopt to" list! Really!!!! What the
hell is wrong with you!!!! I only pray that they end up in a good home
with people who will not QUIT on them. I pray for them and to hell with
you people who posted your "trusting and unconditional loving" pet up for FREE
to a possible devil dressed as an angel! Excuse me while I vomit !!!!
nchjsnfiuchzuhMCVHEDFJJNcZXNXA JFNFIHNnv;dfjn;dhvvn x/nnvn sjdc (get it! good!)