Why are WE mr. black
I am a writer. Sometimes I am pure light and happiness and sometimes I am raw and hard.
Most people, writers, that I know write with their hearts on their sleeves. I am one of those writers, always writing with my heart and emotions.
I wrote a poem/very short story about a so called man called Dog-fighter Black, an imaginary man, but a real life problem in the world today. In reality there are many mr. blacks in this country, in this world.
Writing this short story brought many emotions and fears to the surface of my skin, like a blood blister that just won't break though and bleed. Just there enough to annoy you and look like a huge
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Love don't fight |
This reminds me of back in days when wives were allowed to be raped and beat by their husbands. What happens in a man’s house was his business and no one else’s. I have been there and know the pain of a peacekeeper walking away, knowing you were just going to get it worse once he drove away.
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Love everyone we meet |
They have to fight to live or they will die,
If they lose the fight and manage to survive, they will die,
If they are lucky they will die fast, but that is usually not the case,
Normally they are made to suffer for hours or days,
Sometimes hung, stomped to death or even buried alive.
All of this pain and torture is because some men (most of the time) want to be in complete control. Control of the dog, the dog
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Love life, love all |
I once was told I would be blown up if I did not comply with my ex-husbands demands. While my son was upstairs, he wanted to make sure I knew he was serious; he cut the propane tank connection and drug it into the apartment. Then he ignited the lighter that he help tightly in his hand and told me over and over that he’d blow up the whole building, all because he lost control of me. He was so good at what he did, he covered the evidence so well that I almost got arrested for being too loud as I cried and argued in self defense. I will die before I ever let that happen again.
I would die for an innocent life to live on, human or animal. A life is a gift and all lives that God create are here for us to protect and adore.
Once I grew a spine and leaned to fight with my brain and words, I grew stronger. Society changed and grew to be more compassionate towards battered wives and animals cruelty. I feel there is much more to do to cure the cancer that society calls humanity.
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Be kind to all we meet |
Last night I had a fight, a childish verbal fight about a dog. It was escalating way too quickly and I needed to end it with the speed of a humming birds wings. What to do? Protect the innocent is what I choose, even if the dog was in the wrong. The human is suppose to be smarter than the animal, the human should know that dogs that have behavioral issues and patterns are to be handled with care and purposeful actions, continuing to be cautious at all times. If you know their triggers, then you know how to avoid a potential problem.
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Love brings love |
I know that humans also have triggers and I fearfully controlled the situation and at that moment in time unsuccessfully explained this to that human. He had the same blind and blank look on his face that the dog did. The dog who was abused by a man and now a man was yelling at him, walking with anger toward the dog, it was no surprise to me that the dog wanted to protect himself barking snapping in fear at the man that was yelling at him.
I am a dog lover and an animal person to my core, at a completely cellular level. I am the one that will take on the special needs dogs or cats and I don’t mean the ones with physical handicaps. I have three dogs now and two of them have those special needs, due to their mental scars from the mr. blacks of their pasts. One of my dogs took almost ten years to completely come around, now she is a
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Love is great & needs to be shared |
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Fun days show the love you have to offer |
AS GI Joe always said, “Knowledge is power.” Learn and teach, learn and share, knowing how to react and handle the BIG UGLY ZITS that appear in our daily lives can only helps us and others in life. Knowing how to control the situation (the ZIT) can make for an easier argument for all, possibly saving the lives of both humans and animals alike.
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Know that someone is there for you is true love |